Kailash Vijayvargiya blogs Care to Share - Kailash Vijayvargiya Blog
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Nadda ji

Care to Share

She shares her love as mother,

She shares her stories as grandmother,

She shares her secrets as sister,

She shares her life as life partner,

She shares her feelings as friend,

She shares her knowledge as teacher,

She shares her dedication as citizen,

She shares everything as she cares,

Do you care to share equality, enterprise and esteem with her…?

On this Women’s Day, every man must ask this question to himself…Seeing the increasing crime rate against women in the society, I am really hurt or rather shocked. In country like India where women is worshiped in form of motherlanddurgasaraswati and laxmi, how can man get so inhuman and brutal with her…? It is not acceptable to my heart at all. If you are ‘the man’ then please change your attitude towards women and give them equal stature and respect in society which they deserve and if you are ‘the woman’, don’t let pitrasatta belief rule you or your coming generations.

Increasing crimes is not the only disgusting factor to think about, the reason behind it is even more horrendous. Here in India, boys grow with the belief that women are weak and powerless, and girls grow with the fear of being tortured and abandoned without boys. With these beliefs somehow boys develop that criminal psychology of dominating women at all levels be it in home or office which turns out in domestic violence or harassment at work place at times. According to National Crime Records Bureau there were 2,13,585 cases registered in 2010 under crime against women which includes cases of kidnapping & abduction, sexual harassment, dowry death, rape, torture, molestation, importation of girls, trafficking, indecent representation of women, etc. These statistics are extremely terrifying. And no one can improve this condition expect you and me. Each one of us has to take steps at individual level for improving the status of women. Do you know according to Unicef’s Global Report Card on Adolescents 2012, 57% boys in India think a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife while around 53% girls think that a husband is justified in beating his wife. With this pitrasatta mentality, women can never progress and get the equal love, care, respect and dedication in the family & society.

Never forget the rule of life ‘we get what we give and we give what we get’. So, whatever you don’t want to receive never think of giving it to anyone. Give respect to women and you will get it. Woman is always more dedicated towards family, society and nation, so respect her for her contribution.

And at last, as I always say Paad Pooja is an age-old Hindu tradition which we must follow to respect women and give them the respect they deserve. This tradition can help in breaking this ‘pitrasatta’ mentality.

Today, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, all I want to say is ‘all men take a vow to share equality, enterprise and esteem with woman’, and ‘I request all women to promise themselves to stand for self respect & rights.

Happy Women’s Day!